Left Yellowstone from the west gate and headed to Idaho Falls. Coming down the mountain through the pass in the rain and dark was not my idea of fun, but made it safe. Make sure you have good brakes and a change of underwear if you go down 8% gradients!
Didn’t really see anything in Idaho Falls but wanted to post this since my couchsurfing host Ange was so amazing! Was greeted with a hug and a beer. Laughed, talked, and learned with good people. From left to right is Ange, her brother Victor, her roommate Said, and friend Jess. Not pictured is Linda who hooked it up with tasty breakfast burritos (thank you they were great!).
Heading back to Wyoming tomorrow. Going to attempt seeing Grand Teton NP if the weather holds.
Lat = 43.490842 , Long = -112.039087 -- Show at Google Maps