Big Falls (Seymour) from West Shore

In the length of time it took to consume a burrito the storms rolled by permitting me one last waterfall before the days end. Before we get there, please enjoy these gratuitous shots of the dramatic clouds over farms in the Eau Claire area.

I had trouble deciding which version of this photo to share but ultimately decided on a shot minimizing the farm in the background to illustrate just how big the storms were. Just an hour ago those large anvils were dumping buckets of rain and crashing violent thunder & lightning.

Okay, okay, back to the waterfalls. This one is called Big Falls and is found in the Big Falls County Park in Seymour, Wisconsin – a small city just outside of Eau Claire.

Entrance from the west side requires paying a fee (think it was $3 but not certain). I couldn’t access from the west on this trip as it was torn up for construction. From here a series of trails leads to the Eau Claire River for viewing.

And here’s the view from not far off the trail. It’s probably hard to see in this photo but a family is fishing on the rocks to the left of the falls – I didn’t want to disturb them so I opted not to go much closer. This photo and scenery was enjoyable enough for today and it was time to setup camp anyways.


Here’s a short video of the falls. Enjoy!


Not a difficult “hike” at all unless you want to explore more along the rocky shoreline. Then it only becomes a little more difficult but not by much. Very cool area to explore!

CORRECTION 5/18/20: Thanks to John Wood for pointing out I had incorrectly attributed this Seymour to being home of the Hamburger Hall of Fame. That is actually a different Seymour, Wisconsin near Green Bay.

Lat = 44.821846 , Long = -91.2948608 -- Show at Google Maps

2 thoughts on “Big Falls (Seymour) from West Shore”

  1. Just an FYI – this Seymour WI is NOT the home of the hamburger, that belongs to a different Seymour WI that is just west of the city of Green Bay


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