Jewel Cave National Monument – Discovery Tour

Jewel Cave National Monument - Target Room on the Discovery Tour

Took a bit of a drive today to the southwestern part of the Black Hills, and after heading west from Custer about half way to the border with Wyoming I stopped to check out Jewel Cave National Monument. Proclaimed a National Monument by Teddy Roosevelt back in 1908, Jewel Cave is currently the fifth longest … Read more

Crazy Horse Memorial

Crazy Horse Memorial - View of monument from parking lot with zoom lens

Overnight temps were very mild in the 60’s and I could have lounged at the lake drinking coffee all day without much argument, but instead I arose and broke camp quickly to maximize the daylight hours that are now growing noticeably shorter all the time. One of the main “to-do’s” of my trip was to … Read more

Dignity Of Earth And Sky

Dignity of Earth and Sky - Closer view of the sculpture

Eastern South Dakota is about as exciting to drive through as southern Minnesota, which is to say that if you enjoy long stretches of flat land and straight roads then this is your place. For the rest of us, any small diversions on a route like this are welcome to break up the monotony. Thankfully … Read more

Falls of the Big Sioux River

Falls Park - View of falls from atop the observation tower

I’ve been through Sioux Falls only one other time back in 2016, and that was only to sleep and pass on down the road. Before leaving this time I thought “there must be a waterfall here somewhere, else the city wouldn’t be named like that.” A quick online search later and oh boy did I … Read more

Pipestone National Monument

Pipestone National Monument - Old Stone Face rock formation

Thus far on my road trip I’ve basically been making up plans as I go along. But my main goal for sticking around in this area was to visit Pipestone National Monument in Pipestone, Minnesota. I’ve had this on my “to do” list now for a few years and it never came together but happily … Read more

Devil’s Gulch

Devil's Gulch - Rocky parts of the trail require some creativity to find a path

Just down the road from Split Rock park is another local park called Devil’s Gulch. I didn’t know what to expect at first, but the attraction here is a large gulch (or ravine), a waterfall perhaps, and some Wild West history if you believe the stories. Not shown in this post is a small visitor … Read more

Split Rock Park

Split Rock Park - Wide angle view of the area near the dam

Today seems like “do everything interesting in Garretson, South Dakota” day but it wasn’t really by plan. As it often happens, I was freestyle cruising Google Maps and came across a couple parks not far away from camp. So I headed just a couple miles down the road and first stopped at Split Rock Park. … Read more

Palisades State Park

Palisades State Park - Views of Split Rock Creek looking downstream from the cliffs above

My first out-of-state camping stop on this journey was at Palisades State Park in Garretson, South Dakota. I arrived well after dark and mostly just went to sleep, but the next morning I did some quick exploring. There are a couple trails here the run along the Split Rock Creek. I considered hiking them but … Read more

Hawkeye Point

Hawkeye Point – View from silo platform

Heading west across southern Minnesota on I-90 there isn’t much to see or do other than enjoying the peaceful rolling hills and seemingly endless farm fields. To break up the monotony, I took a small detour south back across the Iowa border and headed to a small town named Sibley to visit Hawkeye Point, the … Read more

WI June ’23 Off-Roading

WI June ’23 Off-Roading

Joined up with some friends from the Tacoma World forums for a quick weekend trip. Started by camping near Mountain, WI in the National Forest. Weather was excellent and bugs were not bad at all for this time of year. Didn’t take too many photos because we were just enjoying the drive. Tried to sneak … Read more