Goal: Wisconsin State Natural Areas

Goal: Explore all Wisconsin State State Natural Areas.  Click the green links below to see related trip entries.

This is a work in progress, please don’t rely on this list being complete or accurate!

Related pages: Wisconsin State Parks & Recreation Areas map

State Natural Areas (alphabetically)


Ableman’s Gorge
Abraham’s Woods unsuitable for visitation
Adiantum Woods
Albany Sand Prairie & Oak Savanna
Allen Creek Wetlands
Allequash Lake
Alvin Creek Headwaters
Ancient Aztalan Village
Anvil Lake Trail
Apostle Islands Critical Species unsuitable for visitation
Apostle Islands Maritime Cliffs unsuitable for visitation
Apostle Islands Maritime Forest
Apostle Islands Sandscape
Apostle Islands Yew Forest
Apple River Canyon
Arbutus Oaks
Arena Pines and Sand Barrens
Argonne Experimental Forest
Atkins Lake & Hiles Swamp
Audubon Goose Pond
Aurora Lake
Avoca Prairie and Savanna
Avon Bottoms


Badfish Creek Wet Prairie & Spring Seeps
Baileys Harbor Boreal Forest and Wetlands
Bakken’s Pond
Baraboo River Floodplain Forest
Bark Bay Slough
Barksdale Ponds
Barneveld Prairie
Barney Creek
Bass Hollow
Bass Lake Fen
Bass Lake Peatlands
Bass Lake Preserve
Bastile Lake
Battle Bluff Prairie
Battle Creek Hemlocks
Bauer-Brockway Barrens
Baxter’s Hollow
Bayshore Blufflands
Bean Lake
Bear Beach
Bear Bluff
Bear Caves unsuitable for visitation
Bear Creek Hemlocks
Bear Creek Sedge Meadow
Bear Lake Sedge Meadow
Bear Lake Slough
Bearsdale Creek & Hyatt Springs
Beaver Creek
Belden Swamp
Belmont Mound Woods
Belmont Prairie
Berg Prairie and Billy Goat Ridge
Bergen Bluffs
Berlin Fen unsuitable for visitation
Beulah Bog
Bibon Swamp
Big and Little Marsh
Big Bay Sand Spit and Bog
Big Beaver Meadow
Big Eau Pleine Woods
Big Island
Big Manitou Falls and Gorge
Big Swamp
Big Swamp Tamarack Fen
Bittersweet Lakes
Black Creek Bog
Black Earth Rettenmund Prairie
Black Lake Bog
Black River Savanna
Black Tern Bog
Blackhawk Island unsuitable for visitation
Blackjack Springs
Bloch Oxbow
Blomberg Lake
Blue Hills Felsenmeer
Blue River Bluffs
Blue River Sand Barrens
Blue Swamp
Blueberry Swamp
Blueberry Trail
Bluff Creek
Bogus Swamp
Bohn Lake
Bonita Country
Borah Creek Prairie
Border Lakes
Borst Valley Sedge Meadow
Boscobel Bluffs
Bradley Creek Swamp Conifers
Brady’s Bluff Prairie
Brant Brook Pines
Brockway Ponds
Brooks Bluff unsuitable for visitation
Browntown Oak Forest
Brule Glacial Spillway
Brule River Boreal Forest
Brule River Cliffs
Brule Rush Lake
Brunsweiler River and Mineral Lake
Brush Creek Hemlocks
Buckhorn Barrens
Buckley Creek and Barrens (site decommissioned and replaced by Five Mile Barrens)
Buena Vista Prairie Chicken Meadow
Buena Vista Quarry Prairie
Buffalo River Trail Prairies
Butler Lake and Flynn’s Spring


Cady’s Marsh
Camp Five Lake
Camp Lake and Pines
Camp Nine Pines
Camp Three Lake
Canoe Landing Prairie
Caroline Lake
Carver-Roehl Woods
Caryville Savanna
Cassville Bluffs
Castle Mound Pine Forest
Catfish Eddy Terraces
Cathedral Pines
Catherine Lake Hemlock-Hardwoods
Cave Point-Clay Banks
Cedar Grove Hawk Research Station unsuitable for visitation
Cedarburg Beech Woods
Cedarburg Bog
Centennial Bedrock Glade unsuitable for visitation
Charles Pond
Chase Creek
Chequamegon Hardwoods
Cherney Maribel Caves
Cherokee Marsh
Cherry Lake Sedge Meadow
Chimney Rock Oak Opening
Chippewa Moraine Lakes
Chippewa Trail
Chiwaukee Prairie
Chub and Mud Lake Riverine Marsh
Chub Lake Oak Savanna
Clover Valley Fen
Coffey Swamp unsuitable for visitation
Comstock Bog-Meadow
Coon Creek Cliffs unsuitable for visitation
Coon Fork Barrens
Copper Falls
County K Woods
County Line Barrens and Forest
Cranberry Creek Mound Group
Crandon Ribbed Fen
Crex Sand Prairie
Crooked Lake Wetlands
Cudahy Woods


Dalles of the St. Croix River
Day Lake
Deansville Fen
Deer Creek Tamarack Bog
Deer Island
Deer Mountain
Deerfly Swamp
Dells of the Eau Claire River
Dells of the Wisconsin River
Detroit Harbor unsuitable for visitation
Devil’s Lake Oak Forest
Devine Lake & Mishonagon Creek
Dewey Heights Prairie
Dewey Marsh
Diamond Lake
Diamond Roof
Doering Woods
Dorothy Lake
Dory’s Bog and Hunt Hill
Drummond Woods
Dry Lake
Dunbar Barrens
Dunn Lake
Dunnville Barrens
Dupage Lake Peatlands
Durst Rockshelter unsuitable for visitation
Dwight’s Point and Pokegama Wetlands


Eagle Centre Prairie
Eagle Eye
Eagle Oak Opening
East Bluff
East Fork Black River
East Fork Chippewa River
Echo Lake
Eighteen Mile Creek
Ekdall Wetlands
Elk River Valley
Ellison Bluff
Emmons Creek Barrens
Empire Prairies
Empire Swamp
English Lake Hemlocks
Enterprise Hemlocks
Ericson Creek Forest and Wetlands
Eureka Maple Woods
Europe Bay Woods


Fair Meadows unsuitable for visitation
Fairy Chasm
Farmington Bottoms
Faville Prairie
Fern Dell Gorge
Ferry Bluff
Finnerud Pine Forest
Fish Lake Meadow
Fish Lake Pines
Five-Mile Bluff Prairie
Five Mile Barrens
Flambeau River Hardwood Forest
Flambeau Wetlands
Flat Lake
Flora Spring Pond
Flume Creek Cedars
Forbes Springs
Fort McCoy Barrens
Foulds Creek
Fountain Creek Wet Prairie
Fourmile Island Rookery
Fox Maple Woods
Franklin and Butternut Lakes
Franklin Savanna
French Creek Fen
French Creek North
Frog Lake and Pines


Gasner Hollow Prairie
Genesse Oak Opening and Fen
Germain Hemlocks
Germania Wet Prairie
Ghost Lake
Giant White Pine Grove
Gibraltar Rock
Glenn Creek Barrens
Glocke Lake
Gobler Lake
Goose Lake
Goose Lake Drumlins
Gotham Jack Pine Barrens
Grand Island
Grandma Lake Wetlands
Grassy Lake
Great River Trail Prairies


Hagar Mountain
Haley Creek Swamp
Half Moon Bottoms
Hanson Lake Wetlands
Hardscrabble Prairie
Haskell Noyes Memorial Woods
Hawkins Hemlock-Hardwood Forest
Hawkinson Creek Wet Prairie
Haymeadow Creek
Haymeadow Flowage
Headwater Lakes
Hedmark Pines
Hemlock Draw
High Cliff Escarpment
Hiles Wetlands
Hog Island Tamaracks
Hogback Prairie
Holland Red Maple Swamp
Holland Sand Prairie
Holmboe Conifer Forest
Honey Creek
Hook Lake Bog
Hortonville Bog
Houghton Falls
Hub City Bog
Huiras Lake
Hulburt Creek Woods
Hunting River Alders


Inch Lake
Interstate Lowland Forest
Ipswich Prairie
Island Lake Hemlocks


Jackson Creek Woods
Jackson Harbor Ridges
Jackson Marsh
Jay Creek Pine Forest
Jean Brunet Woods
Jefferson Tamarack Swamp
Johnson Falls
Johnson Hill Kame
Johnson Lake Barrens
Jones Lakes
Jump River Woods
Jung Hemlock-Beech Forest


Kamrath Creek Forest and Fen
Kangaroo Lake
Karcher Springs
Karner Blue Meadow
Keller Whitcomb Creek Woods
Kelly Lake Hemlocks
Kelly Lynn Bog
Kentuck Lake
Kessler Railroad Prairie
Ketchum Creek Pines
Kettle Hole Woods
Kettle Moraine Low Prairie
Kettle Moraine Oak Opening
Kettle Moraine Red Oaks
Kewaskum Maple-Oak Woods
Kickapoo Valley Reserve
Kickapoo Wild Woods
Kidrick Swamp
Kieper Creek
Kingston Pines
Kinnickinnic River Gorge and Delta
Kinnickinnic Wet Prairie
Kirby Lake Hardwoods
Kissick Alkaline Bog Lake
Kohler Park Dunes
Kohler-Peet Barrens
Koro Prairie
Koshkonong Corners
Kroenke Lake
Krueger Pines
Kurtz Woods


La Crosse River Trail Prairie
LaFave Swamp
Lake Alva Birch-Hemlock
Lake Evelyn
Lake Helane
Lake Lackawanna
Lake Laura Hardwoods
Lake Noquebay Sedge Meadow
Lake of the Pines Conifer-Hardwoods
Lake Owen Hardwoods
Lake Two Pines
Lampson Moraine Pines
LaSage Bottoms
Lauterman Lake
Lawin Sedge Meadow
Lawrence Creek
Lawrence Lake
Lehto Lake
Lemonweir Bottomland Hardwood Forest
Lily Lake
Lima Bog
Limery Ridge Savanna
Little Bear Hemlocks
Little Lake
Little Willow Drumlin
Little Wolf River
Lodde’s Mill Bluff unsuitable for visitation
Lodi Marsh
Logan Creek
Loon Lake Woods
Lost Canoe
Lost Creek Bog
Lost Lake
Lost Lake Esker
Lower Chippewa River
Lower Narrows
Lower Tomahawk River Pines
LTC Old Growth Forest
Lulu Lake
Lunch Creek Wetlands


Magnolia Bluff
Maiden Rock Bluff
Marinette County Beech Forest
Marsh Miller Cedars
Marshall’s Point
Martin’s Woods
Mary Lake
Mayville Ledge Beech-Maple Woods
Mazomanie Bottoms
Mazomanie Oak Barrens
McCarthy Lake and Cedars
McCaslin Mountain
McGilvra Woods
Mead Conifer Bogs
Meadow Valley Barrens
Mecan River Pine-Oak Forest
Mecan Springs
Memorial Grove Hemlocks
Meridian Park
(Clifford F.) Messinger Dry Prairie and Savanna Preserve
Midway Railroad Prairie
Mill Bluff
Millville Oak Woodlands
Millston Sand Barrens
Milwaukee River and Swamp
Milwaukee River Floodplain Forest
Milwaukee River Tamarack Lowlands and Dundee Kame
Minito Lake
Mink River Estuary
Mirror Lake Pine Oak Forest
Miscauno Cedar Swamp
Mondeaux Hardwoods
Moonlight Bay Bedrock Beach
Moose Lake
Moose River Cedar Hills
Moquah Barrens
Morgan Coulee Prairie
Motts Ravine
Mt. Pisgah Hemlock-Hardwoods
Mountain Lake
Mud Lake
Mud Lake Bog
Mud Lake Forest and Ponds
Mud Lake Fen and Wet Prairie
Mud Lake – Radley Creek Savanna
Muddy Creek Sedge Meadow
Muehl Springs
Muir Park
Mukwa Bottomland Forest
Mukwonago River
Mullet Creek White Cedar Wetland
Muralt Bluff Prairie
Muskego Park Hardwoods
Myklebust Lake


Namekagon Barrens
Namekagon Fen
Natural Bridge and Rockshelter
Navarino Cedar Swamp
Navarino Sedge Meadow
Necedah Oak-Pine Forest unsuitable for visitation
Necedah Oak-Pine Savanna unsuitable for visitation
Nell Lake
Nelligan Lake
Nelson-Trevino Bottoms unsuitable for visitation
Nemadji River Floodplain Forest
New Auburn Sedge Meadow
New Hope Pines
New Munster Bog Island
New Observatory Woods unsuitable for visitation
Newark Road Prairie
Newport Conifer-Hardwoods
Nichols Creek Cedars and Springs
Nichols Creek East Cedars
Nine Mile Island
Nipissing Swamp
Nixon Lake
No Name Lake
North Bay
North Bend Wet Prairie
North Branch Bottoms
North Country Trail Hardwoods
North Fork Eau Claire River
North Fork Pines
North of North Shattuck Lake
North Otter Creek
Northeast Coulee Oak Woodland
Northeast Lake
Norway Point Bottomlands
Nourse Sugarbush


Oakfield Ledge
Oakfield Railroad Prairie
Observatory Hill
Ohmart Wetlands
Oliver Prairie unsuitable for visitation
Olson Oak Woods
One Stone Lake Hemlocks
Orion Mussel Bed
Osceola Bedrock Glades
Oshkosh-Larsen Trail Prairies
Ottawa Lake Fen
Otter Creek Oak Barrens
Owl Creek Fen Savanna
Oxbo Pines
Oxbow Rapids


Page Creek Marsh
Pan Hollow
Papoose Creek Pines
Parfrey’s Glen
Parrish Oak Savanna
Pat Shay Lake
Patterson Hemlocks
Pea Creek Sedge Meadow
Peat Lake unsuitable for visitation
Pecatonica River Woods
Peninsula Niagara Escarpment
Peninsula Park Beech Forest
Peninsula Park White Cedar Forest
Perkinstown Hemlocks
Peshtigo Brook Meadow & Woods
Peshtigo Harbor Lacustrine Forest
Peshtigo River Delta Marshes
Pewits Nest
Pickerel Lake
Pickerel Lake Fen unsuitable for visitation
Pine Cliff
Pine Hollow
Pine Island Savanna
Pirus Road Swamp
Plagge Woods
Plainfield Tunnel Channel Lakes
Pleasant Valley Conservancy
Plover River Woods
Plum Creek Woods
Plum Lake Hemlock Forest
Point Beach Ridges
Pokegama Carnegie Wetlands
Pope Lake
Popple River Corridor
Poppy’s Rock unsuitable for visitation
Port Wing Boreal Forest
Portland Maples
Powers Bluff Maple Woods
Priest Rock
Princeton Prairie unsuitable for visitation
Puchyan Prairie
Putnam Park


Quincy Bluff and Wetlands


Rainbow Wetlands
Rat Lake Swamp/Popple River Headwaters
Red Banks Alvar unsuitable for visitation
Red Cedar Lake
Red Cedar River Savanna
Red Oak Bottoms
Reed Lake Meadow
Renak-Polak Maple Beech Woods
Rhine Center Bog
Rib Mountain Talus Forest
Rice Creek
Rice Lake
Richter Lake Hemlocks
Richwood Bottoms
The Ridges Sanctuary
Ridgeway Pine Relict
Riley Lake
Riveredge Creek and Ephemeral Pond
Robinson Creek Pines
Roche-A-Cri Mound
Roche-A-Cri Woods
Rock Creek Felsenmeer
Rock Island Woods
Rock Lake
Rock River Prairie
Rocky Run Oak Savanna
Romance Prairie
Rose Lake
Rush Creek
Rush Lake
Rush River Delta


St. Croix Ash Swamp
St. Croix Islands
St. Croix Seeps
St. Peter’s Dome
Sajdak Springs
Sand Creek Pines
Sander’s Park Hardwoods
Sapa Spruce Bog unsuitable for visitation
Schluckebier Prairie
Schmidt Maple Woods
Scott Lake and Shelp Lake
Scuppernong Prairie
Seagull Bar
Shaky Lake
Shallow Lake
Silver Creek and Mondeaux River
Silver Lake Bog unsuitable for visitation
Sister Islands unsuitable for visitation
Skinner Creek Hardwoods
Skunk and Foster Lakes
Skunk Creek Woods
Smith Drumlin Prairie
Smith Slough and Sand Prairie
Snake Creek Fen
Snapper Prairie
Snoose Creek
Snow Bottom
Snow Falls Creek
Sohlberg Silver Lake
Solon Springs Sharptail Barrens
South Bluff/Devil’s Nose
South Branch Beech Grove
South Fork Barrens
Spaulding Fen
Spider Lake
Spread Eagle Barrens
Spring Brook Drumlins
Spring Green Preserve
Spring Lake
Springstead Muskeg
Springvale Wet Prairie
Spruce Grouse Swamp
Spruce Lake Bog
Spur Lake
Squirrel River Pines
Standing Cedars
Starlight Wetlands
Sterling Barrens
Stockbridge Ledge Woods
Stone Lake Pines
Straight Lake Tamarack Fen
Sugar Camp Hemlocks
Sugar Creek Bluff
Sugar River Wetlands
Suk Cerney Peatlands
Summerton Bog unsuitable for visitation
Sunrise Lake
Swamp Creek Fen
Swamp Lake
Swan Lake Sedge Meadow and Barrens
Swan Lake Tamaracks
Swan Lake Wet-mesic Prairie
Swenson Wet Prairie


Tamarack Creek Bog
Tar Dam Pines
Tealey Creek Cedars
Tellock’s Hill Woods
Texas Island Woods
Thornapple Hemlocks
Thorp Pond
Thunder Mountain
Thunder River Swamp
Tiffany Bottoms
Tichigan Springs and Fen
Toft Point
Tomahawk Lake Hemlocks
Tomahawk River Pines (see Upper Tomahawk River Pines)
Totagatic Highlands Hemlocks
Totogan Pines
Tower Hill Bottoms
Town Corner Cedars
Town Line Lake and Woods
Toy Lake Swamp
Trade River Forest and Wetlands
Tranus Lake
Trempealeau Mountain
Trempealeau River Meadow
Trenton Bluff Prairie
Trout Lake Conifer Swamp
Trout River
Tucker Lake Hemlocks
Tula Lake
Tunnel Channel Woods
Tunnelville Cliffs
Turtle-Flambeau Patterned Bog
Twin Lakes Bog
Two Creeks Buried Forest
Two Lakes Pine-Oak Forest


Upper Black River
Upper Brunet River
Upper Buckatabon Springs
Upper Fox Headwaters
Upper Kaubashine Creek
Upper Little Wolf
Upper Nemadjii River Floodplain Forest
Upper Tomahawk River Pines


Van Loon Floodplain Forest
Van Loon Floodplain Savanna
Van Vliet Hemlocks
VanderBloemen Bog unsuitable for visitation
Vosse Coulee


Wabikon Lake
Ward/Swartz Decatur Woods
Warnimont Bluff Fens unsuitable for visitation
Washburn Marsh
Waterloo Prairie
Waterloo Quartzite Outcrops
Waubesa Wetlands
Waupee Lake Swamp
Waupun Park Maple Forest
Wauzeka Bottoms
Wedde Creek Savanna
Weir White Oaks unsuitable for visitation
Wheeler Lake
White Cliff Fen and Forest
White River Boreal Forest
White River Breaks
White River Prairie Tamarack
White River Sedge Meadow
Whitefish Dunes
Whitman Bottoms Floodplain Forest
Wildcat Ridge
Wilson Lake
Winchester Meadow
Wind Pudding Lake
Wisconsin Slough
Wolf River Bottoms
Woodland Dunes
Woodman Lake Sand Prairie & Dead Lake
Woods Creek
Wyalusing Hardwood Forest unsuitable for visitation
Wyalusing Walnut Forest


Yellow River Floodplain Forest
Yellow River Ice-walled Lake Plain
Yellow River Oxbows
Yellowstone Savanna
York Prairie
Young Prairie

unsuitable for visitationIndicates areas not suited for visitation by the general public. These natural areas may have restricted access, require special permission from the landowner, or contain sensitive resources. Contact the State Natural Areas Program for information about visiting these sites.


Main source: Wisconsin DNR.

Created 12-June-2018.  Last updated Apr 14, 2020 @ 6:07 pm