My friend Erin twisted my arm into shooting the Safari Shoot at West Allis Bowmen and I’m glad she did. This is a great event for archers of all ages with some extremely unique and fun targets. How unique, you ask? See exhibit A: the hippo-bear-dog-man-bear-pig?
Lots of more realistic animal targets but maybe one of the coolest is this extremely large and well done Bengal tiger. Hats off to whomever constructed and painted this one, very cool!
Some very creative adaptations of more conventional targets too – take this elk cow turned into a zebra.
Didn’t spend too much time playing with the cameras but did test out the GoPro recording high framerates. Got lucky and pulled this cool shot of Erin just after releasing the arrow.
All in all this is a fantastic event with other fun things like 50/50 raffles, food, a full bar, and more. Check out their future shoots and support a local club!
Lat = 42.8149529 , Long = -88.0635681 -- Show at Google Maps