Richard Bong State Recreation Area – June Hiking part 2

It’s nearly July and I haven’t taken time off longer than a weekend trip.  Gotta fix that pronto, all work and no play makes Homer something something.  With the upcoming 4th holiday week I’m packing up and leaving for a few weeks.  First step: practice run at nearby Richard Bong State Recreation Area.  I hiked the blue trail a few weeks ago but still more to explore.  Will add a few more trails today but main objective is to jam my car full of camping gear and see what I forgot.

Less talk?  Got it.  Words bad, pictures good.  Away we go!

Vista Nature Trail

A short 1 mile loop, the Vista Nature Trail is a very easy hike for people of all skill levels.  Heavy rains today turned many areas into mud, but on drier days the path is mostly grass with little/no elevation change.

Because of the rain mosquitoes were swarming and the forest was overgrown.  Not many photos to share, it’s all a blur of neon green foliage.  Most notable feature on this trail is a small pond with reflection as still as a mirror.  Also mosquitoes.

Visitor Center Nature Trail

Another short trail for all skill levels, the 2nd nature trail starts from the Molinaro Visitor Center and winds through mostly grassland/prairie on a crushed limestone path.  This is an excellent spot for birding, butterflies, and wildflowers.

The trail makes a close pass near Wolf Lake – an ideal spot for watching ducks and other birds that frequent the area.

On an otherwise gray and rainy day, I did catch a glimpse of the sunset reflecting against the cloud bottoms.  Time to head back to camp.

Green Trail

This 1.8 mile loop trail is more than 50% shared by the Blue Trail and what I would consider relatively easy terrrain.  Once again, not many photos to share as the forested sections are awash in a sea of green leaves – beautiful in their own way, but not so good photography-wise.  Unique trail sections approach closer to the north shore of Wolf Lake for some nice views.

I was able to sneak down into one of the hunting blinds on the shore for a water-level view unobstructed by surrounding brush.

Hiking Data

Vista Nature Trail: Very easy, very overgrown, lots of mosquitoes.  Probably much better in fall when leaves change colors.

Visitor Center Nature Trail: Great short walk for birding, terrain is super easy with a well-defined limestone path.

Green Trail: Not much different than Blue Trail but a nice walk through the forest and grasslands.

Lat = 42.6315613 , Long = -88.1384964 -- Show at Google Maps

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