Governor Dodge State Park – Cox Hollow Lake Falls

Memorial Day morning was threatening rain but that didn’t stop us from getting in a few short hikes.  First one of the day was Cox Hollow Lake Falls at Governor Dodge State Park.  From the trail we first saw the lake spillway but that isn’t why we are here.

Clouds above Cox Hollow Lake are getting moody.  Dark skies always make for good drama in photos.

The falls are not hard to reach.  Basically you just follow a short paved path from the concession stands.  Trail signs can seem a bit confusing but it’s near impossible to get lost.

There’s only one bridge over Mill Creek here and that’s where you will find the falls.  This isn’t marked on the park map at all but is definitely worth the visit.

Here’s another wider angle of the falls.  You can see it rambles down a pretty good distance – I would guess 20 feet or more.

Down at the bottom there are some smaller riffles that are also worth checking out.

And at the very bottom you can see it levels out again and the creek mellows out.


Here’s a short compilation video of the falls.  I think I’ve figured out how to upload with the best 4K quality now – what do you think?  Enjoy!

Hiking Data

No data recorded for this journey, it’s just a short walk from a parking area near the concession stands.  The feature itself isn’t labeled on the park map but you can find it as shown in the image below at the red dot.

Lat = 43.0137978 , Long = -90.1047592 -- Show at Google Maps

1 thought on “Governor Dodge State Park – Cox Hollow Lake Falls”

  1. Pingback: Stephens Falls – AdamMartin.SPACE

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