Palisades State Park

My first out-of-state camping stop on this journey was at Palisades State Park in Garretson, South Dakota. I arrived well after dark and mostly just went to sleep, but the next morning I did some quick exploring.

There are a couple trails here the run along the Split Rock Creek. I considered hiking them but time just didn’t allow it so instead I cheated and visited the areas the trail heads and by the best points of interest. They have some nicely constructed educational signs that double as a small canopy and create a window frame of the best scenery. I wish I could show it better but this particular sign had details on the geology of the Sioux quartzite and other rock layers forming the exposed cliffs.

Here’s the same view, unobstructed by the signs and railings. The creek is quite wide here, wider than some rivers I’ve seen. As you can see, in spots it is possible to hike down onto the rock formations and get very close to the water.

Looking back upstream from near that same area you can see a large iron bridge that spans 120 feet across the gorge. It was built in 1908 and according to the signs is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Here’s a look at another viewpoint a little further downstream. Notice the barn in the distance? Lots of agricultural development in this area which should be no surprise for rural eastern South Dakota.

Here’s a view looking over the railing and down into the gorge showing the fantastic quartzite cliffs.

And here’s another view looking downstream. Luckily there was a family taking some portraits way down at the water level which helps give some scale of how tall these are. Really is a beautiful area.

I did spy one small rapids where the creek narrowed but water levels are low due to the season so they weren’t moving too ferociously. Later as I was leaving the park I saw cows walking in the water downstream, and an unfortunate side-effect of this is poor water quality which is always disappointing. Definitely would not go swimming here but it is a nice place to observe some of east South Dakota’s natural beauty.

Lat = 43.6879196 , Long = -96.5191956 -- Show at Google Maps

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