Peninsula State Park – Rainy Morning Miscellaneous

My first full day at Peninsula State Park was starting off just like the previous one ended: rainy, cold, windy, and wet. But the forecast was set to change, so for now it’s time to just meander about exploring what I can.

Blossomberg Cemetery

I had more time behind the wheel this morning and took as many different roads as possible. Yesterday I kept to the outer Shore Road, but on my first venture inward on Mengelberg Lane I came across the Blossomberg Cemetery.

Established in 1904, this is a more recently founded burial grounds and is currently reserved for residents of Gibraltar township and descendants only.

Road Views and Fallen Trees

Daylight has allowed the trees to burn aglow, and for me to share what I saw. Most of the forest has either changed or dropped it’s leaves entirely with a small portion still waiting to shift. What is left in some areas are the dark green needles of conifers and the result between the two is a fantastic contrast of light and dark. Autumn is a season of change and death, but shares with us a liveliness in the astounding colorful scenes.

Most of what I found was clear evidence of the strong storms overnight. Several times I was blocked by medium-sized fallen trees. Luckily I was able to drag them out of the way without taking out a saw (which is good because I did not have one).

Other times it was large dead branches that weren’t anything huge but were big enough to make me stop and get some steps in. I only had to turn around once where a logging crew was removing a group of 3-4 large trees that fell in unison and created quite the mess. Most of the blockages were on interior and not the main outer road.

Horseshoe Island Views from Welcker’s Point

Before heading back to the park entry I made a stop at Welcker’s Point at a small pullout on the northeast side. Here I found a historical sign detailing how ancient Indian people including descendants of the Menomini (as spelled on the sign) and modern Potawatomi tribes have used the island; also during more recent times how some foreign immigrants settled it and ultimately sold the land back to the park.

Here’s a view of Horseshoe Island from the shoreline pullout. The island was once called Eagle Island due to the popularity of eagles nesting there. Later called Horseshoe Island for it’s shape which is notable for it’s south-facing harbor which is protected from the prevailing elements.

It doesn’t show in this particular photo, but the wind and waves were growing in size and violence. From here, I headed back to the main entrance to plan the day’s hikes and wait out the weather for just a bit longer.

Author’s Note: Due to many reasons – none of them very good – I’m posting this from the future. I’ve got an overwhelming backlog of photos to process which is probably why I procrastinate. Actual visit date/time October 16, 2019 9:49m. I’ll backdate it later so as to maintain chronological order. Hope you enjoy them all the same.

Lat = 45.1741219 , Long = -87.2219162 -- Show at Google Maps

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