Pattison State Park – Little Manitou Falls (2021)

Pattison State Park – Little Manitou Falls

The first time I visited Pattison State Park in 2018, it was immediately following some huge thunderstorms that destroyed many roads and trails, including the area downstream of Little Manitou Falls. Several years later, the trails are open again and I can now hike to see more of the park. Leaf colors are reaching peak … Read more

Trout Brook Falls

North Country National Scenic Trail - Bridge over Trout Brook Falls

Morning of October 2nd and it’s a bit overcast and dreary, but that makes for great hiking weather. Today we start with a teeny tiny “falls” found via hiking a nice gentle section of the North Country National Scenic Trail in Foster Junction, Wisconsin. The trail starts just off Kornstead and North York Road and … Read more

Potato River Falls – Lower Trail (2021)

Potato River Lower Rapids - Long rock garden

After hiking the entire upper falls trail and running out of drinking water in the process, I took a short break at the parking lot for a refill and some snacks. I was able to get a small bit of cell signal and confirmed the rain was done for the afternoon. Time to continue down … Read more

Willard Falls & Rapids (2021)

Willard Falls - Aerial view

Continuing upstream from Potato River Falls, I followed the foot-worn trails until reaching the campsites and the trail head towards Willard Falls. I’ve been down this way before, but today I had more knowledge of the area and was determined to find the actual falls that I missed before. The trail isn’t very long and … Read more

Potato River Falls – Upper Trail (2021)

Potato River Falls - Upper Falls Long Exposure

Today marks the 1 week point of the trip. Weather was hot for the season with highs reaching into the 80’s and rain was imminent. I woke late because my alarm didn’t work or I just slept through it from being tired. Since I lost some time in the early morning, I decided to focus … Read more

Yondata Falls

Yondata Falls – Long Exposure Photography

Late in the afternoon I was having trouble deciding my next stop. While looking for a campsite along US-2, I stumbled upon a road sign pointing towards Yondata Falls on the Michigan U.P. side. I didn’t even have the place on my list and figured it’s worth a look. Boy was I in for a … Read more

Peninsula State Park – Rainy Morning Miscellaneous

Peninsula State Park - Blossomberg Cemetery

My first full day at Peninsula State Park was starting off just like the previous one ended: rainy, cold, windy, and wet. But the forecast was set to change, so for now it’s time to just meander about exploring what I can. Blossomberg Cemetery I had more time behind the wheel this morning and took … Read more

Peninsula State Park – Eagle Panorama

Peninsula State Park - Eagle Panorama

Had a few surplus vacation days this year and not much time to plan or use them up. Took a couple off for a brief weekend expedition to continue exploring and hiking across Wisconsin’s Door County peninsula. As is customary, I left home very unprepared, stopped and grabbed essential supplies at the store, promptly drove … Read more

Hartman Creek State Park – Dike Trail and Pope Lake Trail

Hartman Creek State Park - Colorful leaves across Hartman Lake along the Dike Trail

A quick lunch and a peek at the afternoon’s forecast had me moving again in short order. Midday weather was beautiful but it wasn’t going to last. So once again, I struck out from camp and hit the trails. This time I am heading east alongside Hartman Lake and connecting to the Dike Trail and … Read more

Hartman Creek State Park – Ice Age Trail loop around Allen Lake

Hartman Creek State Park - Colorful and dense forest along the Ice Age Trail

I awoke this morning to temperatures hovering on the low edge of freezing. The good news is that my new car sleeping system passed with flying colors and now I can push deeper into the seasons without fear of becoming a human popsicle. More good news is that today’s forecast was set to rise into … Read more