Trans Wisconsin Adventure Trail – BRF to Picnic Point

My Tacoma on the ice & snow covered trail between large log piles (photo courtesy of my friend Jonathan)

I’m not sure how or why it came to be reality, but for some reason our Tacoma crew decided it would be smart to try a winter outing. In February. In Wisconsin. And it was a good idea! Well mostly aside from the frozen camping. Read on for more details! Day 1: Main Trail Drive … Read more

Spring Brook Lower Falls & Rapids

Spring Brook Lower Rapids - The rocky rapids continue and so does the amazing autumn scenery

After visiting the beautiful Spring Brook Falls, I traveled just a short distance back up Spring Brook Road and parked in a wide spot on the shoulder. Thanks to my friend Bob at I had been given intel of another possible falls/rapids downstream about a mile in a more remote part of the Chequamegon-Nicolet … Read more

Spring Brook Falls

Spring Brook Falls - Fourth falls (main) direct view long exposure

After my small detour at the Brunsweiler River, I drove just a bit further up Spring Brook Road, parked at a tiny spot that only fits two vehicles, and made my way through the woods to find Spring Brook Falls. Once upon a time there was a sign post at the trail head but the … Read more

Brunsweiler River Rapids at Spring Brook Road

Brunsweiler Rapids - End of the rock garden cascading down

I was having a great time driving through parts of the Nicolet-Chequamegon National Forest and nearing my next destination when I spotted something under a bridge and got sidetracked. The warm temperatures meant I had the windows down for fresh air, and as I crossed a bridge it struck me immediately: “I hear moving water!” … Read more

Trout Brook Falls

North Country National Scenic Trail - Bridge over Trout Brook Falls

Morning of October 2nd and it’s a bit overcast and dreary, but that makes for great hiking weather. Today we start with a teeny tiny “falls” found via hiking a nice gentle section of the North Country National Scenic Trail in Foster Junction, Wisconsin. The trail starts just off Kornstead and North York Road and … Read more

Yondata Falls

Yondata Falls – Long Exposure Photography

Late in the afternoon I was having trouble deciding my next stop. While looking for a campsite along US-2, I stumbled upon a road sign pointing towards Yondata Falls on the Michigan U.P. side. I didn’t even have the place on my list and figured it’s worth a look. Boy was I in for a … Read more

Bagley Rapids Falls

Bagley Rapids - View above falls looking downstream

Final stop today was at Bagley Rapids Recreation Area in Mountain, Wisconsin. I’ve been here in the past but wanted to explore a bit further downstream as there might be other rapids in the area. Rather than starting in the campground I tried a different route from the south off an unnamed forest service road … Read more

2020 Elk Hunt @ New Mexico Gila Wilderness

Looking north across Snow Lake from the Continental Divide Trail

Finally I had arrived in New Mexico’s Gila Wilderness! It was a long drive and I completely underestimated how long the final stretch would take but I made it in one piece. Had to take a few glamour shots of the new-to-me Toyota Tacoma that handled the terrain like a champ. These photos were at … Read more

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument - View from inside the cliff dwellings

Headed out from Las Cruces and bid my family farewell. Today was dedicated to a singular goal of visiting the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. I have made attempts in the past (see here in 2018) and always ran out of time or got turned back due to weather changes. No more barriers today and … Read more

Max Patch Mountain

Max Patch Mountain - Kelly looking down the trail

Woke up and left Gatlinburg with some time for day hiking before the next destination.  Cold and wet weather killed most of our planned hikes, but we decided to try our luck on Max Patch, one of the most popular viewpoints along the Appalachian Trail.  Remember that smoky fog from yesterday? Well that doesn’t look too … Read more