2019 December Trip Begins @ Phoenix, AZ

Winter of 2019 I had vacation time to burn and nothing in particular to do. Decided to book last minute flights to Arizona and check out the sights and hopefully warm sun of the southwestern deserts. This post isn’t anything exciting (mostly just here so I can drop a pin on my super-cool hobo map that tracks my posts) but stay tuned – definitely some cool stuff coming very, very soon! And I actually mean it this time! Kinda, sorta, anyways…let’s get this started with a bang (and by bang I mean a screenshot that I shamelessly stole because it’s true):

Opinion: Phoenix sucks balls and I can say that now that I’ve been here. This 5th largest US city is the fucking worst. Watch this video, I didn’t make it but it’s full of truth.

Flew into Phoenix Sky Harbor very late on December 4, 2019. Enterprise Rental Car then proceeded to totally fuck up my reservation and gave me a 12 passenger van at 1am. For me. A single traveller. Was told “nothing we can do, huge conference in town and we gave all of them away, come back in the morning”. Tried finding a parking lot to sleep in but unbeknownst to me Phoenix’s huge homeless population and crime rates make all stores hire private security to patrol and kick you out for overnight sleeping. Stayed up just about all night, got some pancakes and coffee (just what my worn-out nerves needed ugh) at a 24-hour IHOP, and eventually got my rental. Turns out they were more than happy to upgrade me into a truck nobody wanted because it had 4×4: a 1 year old Silverado from Colorado that was already rode hard and begged me to do the same. Which I did.

Now before you send me hatemail or rude comments below (both of which I don’t really care to hear, this place still sucks), my disdain for Phoenix isn’t based solely around this single bad rental car problem. There’s plenty more to come in my future to give reason for the negativity. Anyways moving on…I ended up driving quite a bit as my before & after odometer readings would show a total around 2,500 miles. Maybe gives you an inkling of what I was up to and how much I got to see. Promise there is plenty of cool stuff coming shortly.

Giddyup pardner, let’s get this rodeo started!

Author’s Note: Due to many reasons – none of them very good – I’m posting this from the future in February 2022. Actual visit date/time December 5, 2019 7:35am. I’ll backdate it later so as to maintain chronological order. I’ve got an overwhelming backlog of photos to process which is probably why I procrastinate. Hope you enjoy them all the same.

Lat = 33.4328918 , Long = -112.0094223 -- Show at Google Maps

27 thoughts on “2019 December Trip Begins @ Phoenix, AZ”

  1. Wow, makes me not want to go back to Phoenix… we were there in March of 2019 and enjoyed it… guess things have changed… will cross it off our list of places to visit again… which is a problem cause we have close cousins there (but they live in a gated community away from the problems in the video)!

    • I’m sure it’s fine for most people. But I’ve found certain places just don’t do it for me no matter how hard I try to like them, almost like I’m cursed. Phoenix is one of those places, Vegas is another. Probably the universe giving me a sign that my place isn’t in Arizona. Or maybe it’s because I booked with Enterprise instead of Avis like I normally do and I cursed myself?

    • What a brave thing to say “John Smith”. Typical of right-wing asshats to act like cowards from behind a keyboard. Get fucked.

        • Thanks Brenda I might come back just to make you angry! Thanks for the website views, it really hurts me when people look at my photos!

    • What do you expect, too many people have moved here, & it’s gotten crazy. We have turned into L.A. & its sickening to see. Go home if you dont like it here.

    • Thank you. I’ve been here 32 years. The worst part of Arizona is the people moving here. They move from there f#*#ed up state and bring the same policies that made there state that way in the first place. The last presidential election was a sad day for TRUE Arizonans. They have infiltrated.

      • If you are saying “TRUE Arizonans” are all Republicans that makes sense why I think it’s a huge shithole. Thanks for letting me know!

  2. I lived in Phoenix for 2 years. It’s like being in the ghetto the entire time. Seriously, you can’t go to a QT without being harassed by a homeless person or seeing people use meth or fentanyl in plain site. All the dems from California came in and drove up prices. I lived in a decent neighborhood but could still hear gunshots and night street races. If you want easily accessible drugs and high rent and gas prices please head that way. Also plan to spend time a lot of time in drive thru’s, spend time in traffic, have people hit your car while parked, jaywalkers, and grocery stores never stocked with items you need and if you go to an event, prepare for massive crowds. Not right conservative views it’s the truth.

    • I feel bad that you are making it all political, you should stop watching Fox News and reading Facebook propaganda. You are delusional. Also LOL at you pointing out the long drive-thru waits – maybe stop chomping down Big Macs ya lazy bum. Your city sucks because of people like you.

  3. Sorry you did not like Phoenix maybe you should have come in July or August when things .are really hot and all the people like you have left town.

    • If I come back when all the people like me have left town, does that mean I need to leave town again too? But how will I visit then? Help me understand Glenna!

  4. Wow. Your video is astonishing in so many ways. It seems you’ve filled it with an abundance of uninformed, uneducated and flat out wrong information about Phoenix. Admittingly, there are already plenty of morons here, it’s by no means some perfect city. That being said, we’ll be happy you and other idiots listening to your moronic video choose not to come here. Based on your video, you seem to be on the level of an uneducated 8 year whose parents are just as dumb. Good riddance, don’t come back, we’ll be better off without you.

  5. I’ve been in AZ 3.5 years too long. It’s been mostly craziness and I’m not a fan of it either so I empathize with you that it sucks. Food is mostly disappointing too! My first year here was exciting being some place new but after that I’ve learned it’s not the place for me! I had a chance to leave in Dec sure wish would have but now I have a job I like and another apt I don’t like. Every where I have lived I have had the craziest neighbors or management! Very odd here!! Look forward to leaving in the near future!

    • Arizona is fine, just Phoenix sucks. Lots of people there because they are too uneducated to know better places exist & leave.

      • Adam, where are these places that are better then Phoenix? Also what makes you the authority on what makes a curtain city is a good place to live or not to live? What it really boils down to is personal preference.

        • Pretty much every place I have ever been is better. Nothing makes me an authority, these are my personal opinions. Absolutely it’s personal preference and I prefer mostly all places other than Phoenix. How did you get here to my silly little blog? I must have hit some major Google search results or something, there are like 5 people in the world that normally visit here so I find it hilarous that all of a sudden every person in Phoenix got their panties bunched. This brings me great joy and entertainment, thanks!

  6. Adam, I lived in Phoenix for 25 years, born and raised in Tucson. All I can say its a shame you only want to look at the worst about Phoenix, don’t get me wrong, you are right. Phoenix does such balls, but I will say, the cultural side of Phoenix is what really make that place our state capital. Please by all means come back, book your rental through Avis next time. We have plenty of cultural restaurants from Irish to Mexican to Oriental. The Irish cultural house on central Ave, the Japanese gardens on 3rd Ave. Now lastly I’d like to say, Tucson is way better, thats why I moved back home in Sept of 2019. NJOY AZ

    • Tim, thank you for one of the only level-headed comments here. There is definitely great local culture to be found but it isn’t the city for me. As you will see in future posts I did visit several of Arizona’s treasured cultural and natural sites, and I also did visit Tucson which I agree is a much nicer place. This won’t be my last time in Arizona but Phoenix is near the bottom of the list on my desired places to make a return trip. Cheers.

  7. Do you think New York, LA, Chicago or Houston are much better? You should visit them again. I have lived in 3 of those cities and am glad to live in metro Phoenix now

    • I’m going to say all of those other places are better but only to make you angry because you are too chicken to post under a real name. But for real I work just north of Chicago so I’m there all the time, yeah it’s better.


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